- 👋
- ✋
- Hi.
- 안녕。
- 你好。
- Hej.
- Hola.
- Hello.
- Pronto.
- もしもし。
- Welcome.
- Hey,^250 hi.
- Hey,^250 hey.
- Hi there.
- Hey there.
- Oh,^250 hi there.
- Well,^250 hello.
- Hi,^375 again.
- Hello there.
- Hello,^250 friend.
- Nice to meet you.
- I’m glad you came.
- Today is a good day.
- I’m happy you’re here.
- It’s good to see you.
- Thanks for stopping by.
- It’s a pleasure to meet you.
- I hope you’re doing alright.
- I’m Mike.
- I’m Michael.
- Michael,^250 here.
- This is Michael.
- The name’s Michael.
- My name is Michael.
- Folks call me Michael.
- I’m Michael Fehrenbach.
- I usually go by Michael.
- Some people call me Mike.
- My name is Michael Fehrenbach.
- Michael,^250 speaking.^750 (Well,^250 typing.)
- My little niece calls me Mike‑Mike.
- My last name is pronounced Fair-en‑bock.
- I’m a UI guy.
- I’m a designer.
- I code and design.
- I design and code.
- I’m a product designer.
- I design digital things.
- I design user interfaces.
- I’m an interactive designer.
- I’m an interaction designer.
- I design things for screens.
- I make things like this site.
- I am a very technical designer.
- I am a digital product designer.
- I design and write a bit of code.
- I’m a designer that can also code.
- I am a technological problem-solver.
- I am a designer and ersatz developer.
- I sling pixels and code for a living.
- I’m a designer and front-end developer.
- I’m good with typography and technology.
- I’m a designer and^250 (sometimes) developer.
- I arrange some pixels;^500 I write some code.
- I’m a great designer and an^250.^100.^100.^500 alright^250 developer.
- You might call me a ‘design technologist.’
- I design and help build digital experiences.
- I’ve taken to calling myself a ‘design technologist.’
- I’m a designer and front-of-the-front-end developer.
- I’m a designer who sometimes moonlights as a developer.
- I’ve heard folks describe my role as a ‘design technologist.’
- I started out as a designer,^250 then progressed into coding.
- I am a product designer and occasional front‑end developer.
- 🙃
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- 😵💫
- 🥸
- 😎
- 😶🌫️
- I’m 39.
- Of course.
- As one does.
- This is my jam.
- I grok the DOM.
- I love this work.
- 54–46 was my number.
- I sweat the details.
- I am always curious.
- I do not love React.
- I am very persistent.
- I ride my bike a lot.
- I love a good screen.
- I try to give a shit.
- I miss the old Kanye.
- I fall in love easily.
- I do this now for hire.
- I love a good footnote.
- I take my coffee black.
- Habitual scope-creeper.
- I’m a child of the 80s.
- I’ve never owned a car.
- I’ll tell you how it is.
- I still hit ⌘S in Figma.
- I also write long emails.
- I love the word ersatz.
- I am a master of the minutia.
- I like a four‑pixel grid.
- You can pay me to do this.
- I might say vibe too much.
- Baselines are my^250.^100.^100.^500 baseline.
- I prefer my screens matte.
- I thrive under constraints.
- I tend to overthink things.
- I try to avoid odd numbers.
- My favorite color is black.
- Autumn is my favorite season.
- I also dabble in photography.
- I love the glow of a neon sign.
- I’m your guy for CSS spelunking.
- I have always been very technical.
- I think consistency is a virtue.
- All my devices are in dark mode.
- I’m not sure about this AI stuff.
- I’m somewhat deaf in my left ear.
- I would describe myself as thorough.
- I probably over-punctuate my writing.
- I might use^250 (way) too many parentheses.
- I have been described as a ‘watchmaker.’
- I find zen in pixel-tuning vector paths.
- I have been called a perfectionist.
- I love a ligature,^250 but not in code.
- I love a sturdy,^250 sans‑serif typeface.
- I think that design is how it works.
- I’ve always been a ‘systems’ person.
- I enjoy bringing some order to chaos.
- I think I wrote my first HTML in 1997.
- I would describe myself as ‘competent.’
- You’re looking at my favorite typeface.
- I often literally whistle while I work.
- I remember how hard this all used to be.
- I try to avoid Adobe software,^250 when I can.
- I’m also an avid,^250 amateur photographer.
- I’ve always been this way, my whole life.
- I first fell in love with the Web in 1996.
- I always stay until the end of the credits.
- I’ll go out of my way for a nice line break.
- I love technology, but I’m a (historical) Luddite.
- If you love me like music,^250 I’ll be your song.
- When I was young,^250 I wanted to be an architect.
- My watchword is order and my beacon is beauty.
- I prefer the cold and a blanket to being warm.
- I started out in Fireworks,^250 Flash,^250 and FrontPage.
- I was a Macromedia fanboy,^250 back in the day.
- I believe I can pronounce Neue correctly.
- I’m more of a John Green than a Hank Green.
- I’m not an engineer,^250 but I love talking to them.
- I don’t mind the occasional pedantic dev argument.
- I was a Sketch man,^250 but Figma has its charms.
- I know that rose trees never grow in New York City.
- I’m drawn to ternary operators,^250 for some reason.
- I like my coffee like I like my wardrobe: ^375b^100l^100a^100c^100k^100.
- I’ve been known to philosophize my decision-making.
- I like data best when filtered through strong taste.
- I’m known to stay up late to get something just right.
- I have dreamt in code.^750 Well,^250 in an IDE,^250 I guess.
- I think I’ve gotten decent at it,^250 over time.
- I have a lot of what the Germans call Sitzfleisch.
- I’ve met some wonderful people in this line of work.
- Roger Waters once complimented my Halloween costume.
- I always try to leave things better than I found them.
- I think it’s pretty cool how this is a whole field,^250 now.
- I love the intersection of the digital and physical.
- I often have my phone flashlight on without knowing it.
- I come with empty hands and the desire to unbuild walls.
- My JS involves a lot of SO,^250 if you know what I mean.
- I found my way here via technology and the liberal arts.
- My early design aesthetic was strongly influenced by Myst.
- If I’m doing it right,^250 you won’t even know I was there.
- So ladies and gentlemen if I say I’m a Web Man, you will agree.
- I likely use too many em‑dashes—^500and it’s only getting worse.
- I love a well-placed semicolon;^500 they’re my favorite punctuation.
- I try to make stuff that lasts,^250 which is somewhat rare in this field.
- I don’t know many things,^250 but I know an iPhone can only have 500 tabs open.
- I never really know what I am doing,^250 but I am always doing something.
- I’ve found it never really gets easier^250;^500 I just go faster,^250 or further.
- I know enough programming to get into trouble,^250 but not always out of it.
- Whatever I might lack in talent,^250 I’ll make up for with persistence.
- For better or for worse,^250 I’m more suited to working than networking.
- This is my portfolio site.^750 There are many like it,^250 but this one is mine.
- I love this work.^750 I don’t always think that I do,^250 but I do.
- What I do have are a very particular set of skills.^750 (I make websites.)
- I’ve been told that if I was on Ted Lasso,^250 I would probably be Roy Kent.
- In terms of Star Trek characters,^250 I’m probably equal parts Spock and Bones.
- Marina Abramović once told me I had very soft hands,^250 which has to mean something.
- I don’t know everything,^250 but I can spot the differences between Arial and Helvetica.
- I once made a Volkswagen fan site when I was about 12.^500 It is^250 (thankfully) lost to time.
- I’m losing my edge,^500 to the art-school Brooklynites^250 in little jackets^250 and borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered Eighties.
- I’m in NYC.
- I’m from Seattle.
- I live in Brooklyn.
- I live in New York.
- I’m usually at my desk.
- I live in North Brooklyn.
- I am a New York transplant.
- I am a child of the Northwest.
- I’ve been working more remotely.
- I’ve always lived in a big city.
- I live in a fourth-floor walk‑up.
- My career has mostly been in New York.
- I’m ‘based in New York,’^250 as they say.
- I live in lovely Greenpoint,^250 Brooklyn.
- I moved to New York some 15 years ago.
- I reside in the best borough,^250 Brooklyn.
- I live in the greatest city in the world.
- I grew up in Burien,^250 a suburb of Seattle.
- You can usually find me in front of a computer.
- I grew up in Seattle,^250 then moved to New York.
- I’m from the Northwest,^250 but live in the Northeast.
- I’ve been spending a lot of time in my apartment.
- I’m probably sitting on my well-worn Aeron,^250 right now.
- I am originally from Seattle,^250 but now live in New York.
- I live on a street called Diamond in a county called Kings.
- I can work from anywhere with wifi,^250 electricity,^250 and caffeine.
- I’ve lived in the small towns of Seattle,^250 New York,^250 and London.
- I was born,^250 raised,^250 and educated in Seattle before moving to New York.
- I’m available.
- (For what it’s worth.)
- I freelance and teach.
- I’m taking on projects.
- I also teach at Parsons.
- I also teach this stuff.
- I’ve started teaching,^250 too.
- I’m available for projects.
- I am freelancing,^250 these days.
- I’m also a part-time teacher.
- I also teach design and code.
- I also teach code and design.
- I am making a go at freelancing.
- I’ve been on a sort of^250.^100.^100.^500 sabbatical?
- I worked at MoMA for many years.
- I am interested in new projects.
- I last worked in‑house for a museum.
- I want to build extraordinary things.
- I’ve been working on freelance projects.
- I have more than a decade of experience.
- These days,^250 I am a freelancer and a teacher.
- I’m also doing a bit of teaching,^250 these days.
- I’ve managed people;^500 I’ve walked a picket line.
- Like a lot of folks,^250 I’ve been taking a step back.
- I was formerly on the Creative Team at MoMA.
- You met me at a very strange time in my life.
- I work for money,^250 but teach for love.^750 (And insurance.)
- My last full‑time job was with the Museum of Modern Art.
- My last ‘permanent’ position was a six‑year,^250 in‑house stint.
- I’ve worked in both for- and not‑for-profit settings.
- I have worked at agencies,^250 freelance,^250 and in‑house.
- AMA.
- HMU.
- Let’s chat.
- Let’s connect.
- Drop me a line.
- Ask me anything.
- Let’s talk shop.
- What’s going on?
- Let’s collaborate.
- How can I help you?
- Let’s work together.
- And I’d love to chat.
- Would love to meet up.
- What can I do for you?
- I’ll never let you down.
- What can I help you with?
- Let’s talk about the why.
- Let’s talk about what’s next.
- And I’m looking for my next gig.
- Let’s work together on something.
- It’s been nice chatting with you.
- Let’s talk about why you’re here.
- And I’m hoping to find a new role.
- And I’m always wondering what’s next.
- Maybe we could make something together.
- And I’m always looking for the next thing.
- And I am trying to figure out what’s next.
- And I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
- Cheers.
- Thanks.
- ✊
- 🖖
- ✌️
- 🤞
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- Fare thee well.
- Thanks for your time.
- Looking forward to it.
- I hope to hear from you.